It's OK not to be OK!

People who self-harm must enjoy it ?
If you have a mental illness you will feel mad, sad, or worried all the time ?
Fear is a sign of weakness ?
You have control over whether you are in a positive or negative mental health space ?
You can be a Stigma-Free Superhero ?
Feminism is Superiority of Women over Men ?
Only Women are feminists ?

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A community working towards helping and supporting women’s health in their journeys against Abuse, Inequality, Stigma, and towards Empowerment
An individual is empowered when no judgment, restriction, taboo, or stigma makes a difference to them. They are strong: not a victim but a victor who fight their way through all odds with the strongest mindset.

Are you one such hero in your life?


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The Man by Taylor Swift
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Are you a feminist?

"If not, why not? Feminism, I think is a very fascinating word. When people talk about it, the thought that would always come to mind, until recently, was feminists believe that the female is the only true gender in the world. This is also often unconsciously equalized to Man Hating. The very definition of feminism at its core is and I quote “ the advocacy of women's rights based on the equality of sexes.” Equality; is another fascinating word. When do I know that I am equal to the boy in front of me? Do I know that I’m equal when I am allowed to dress, walk and sit like him without being judged for my body? Or when I feel safe. That I will not be ragged, kidnapped, or raped when I step out of the front door? Or when a man is allowed to cry just like me and not be told to Man-Up. Or is it when he is given free bus tickets just because he is born a man? I can go on and on but where do we stop? Over the years people's views have changed on Feminism and women who claim to be feminists have represented this movement as a superiority competition. It really isn't. The first step towards equality, we must realize, is just as simple as a woman getting the same choices a man does. Where she is allowed to take decisions about her marriage, body, and life. You decide if you always want to stay in the kitchen. You decide whether you're fat or thin. you decide what life you want. I say with pride, I am a feminist. I will remain a feminist until I see my children and their children get the right to choose in their lives. Feminism is not about making females superior to their male counterparts. It is about providing opportunities to both men and women to live the life that they deserve."

-Pranathi Murthy

Sleepless nights, teary eyes
Heart hurt by prejudice
The high-pitched voices
Always silenced
Is the voice or the human
Who is being suppressed
Behind bars of oppressive insults
- Disha Nagaraj

A potion of


The breeze feels like a storm
It's mixed with breaths of lust
Suffocation grows
As I step out of my house
For when I am in public
I’m objectified as property
Open for all and anyone
To judge and exploit
- Disha Nagaraj
It's just blood that started flowing
Why did my whole life get dark
Deprived of Dad's warm embrace
Is that what I get for a physical change
Opinions disregarded because I am just PMSing
Pain untreated because this happens to everyone
Made to feel unpure and unallowed
Is that, alright?
- Disha Nagaraj
Why is he a hunk when he associates with girls
And I, a slut when I associate with boys
Why am I in need of help when I cry
And he needs to man up when he does the same
While belonging to the same species
Why are we treated differently!!
Doesn't the system need a change?
- Disha Nagaraj
The sky's dark, life unclear
Tears dried up
For none have treated me as I needed
Expectations piled up
Judgments bulking up
Blocking away my opinions

Restrictions and curfews are all I have been through
Misconceptions and rumors are what I had to bear
Bad touch and oppression are what I had to fight against
When will this war against
inequality ever end
Doesn't the system badly
need a change
- Disha Nagaraj

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